Sunday, November 23, 2014

I am a Convert & so are You. 

Hello bloggers!
My name is Erin. I am a convert of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. My blog is show others the true struggles of being a member of the church, and that those same struggles apply to anyone, regardless of church.

When I think about my conversion story, people are always amazed at my "strength" and "courage." They say it took a lot for me to overcome all the obstacles that were put in my path. And yes, while that is true, it does not just apply to converts of the church. I have learned through testimonies of others that the same struggles and strength are needed to people who have lived their whole lives as a member. Just because people are raised in a church does not mean that they are followers of Christ or have a testimony of Him. I want people to understand that. To understand that no member of the church is alike, and gaining their testimony is very unique from all others. My testimony of Christ did not come until I was 18. The process of getting involved in the church can be overwhelming, but, those who feel the Spirit know that there are so many wonderful things to come of it. I was so incredible scared of what people would think of me, what my family would say, and if my life would stay the same. But the truth of matter was, it wasn't going to know matter what I did. Being baptized & converting to the church would forever change not only my life, but me as well.

I was involved with another church for the better part of 3 years. I loved it very much & there were many people that became like family to me. Deciding to leave that part of my life was by far the hardest decision I have had to make so far in my life. But when I did that, I knew that this was apart of my conversion story. The rest is like anyone joining any church. I had meetings with missionaries to talk about more of the faith and for me to pray about it constantly. I went to the church activities, met new people, and attended church every Sunday- all before I was an actual member! Even though that might seem a little extreme, that's what I had to do to see if this was really where I was meant to be. Obviously it was.  Through these things I gained a stronger testimony that Heavenly Father is real and it is because of Him that I have these promptings.

I am not the only convert in my church. Everyone is. Just because you are raised within a church does not mean that you instantly have a testimony. In fact, it is sometimes harder to gain it when everyone around you is telling you, you have to have one. People go through obstacles and challenges that allow their faith it either grow or wither away- just like a flower. In order for people to be able to blossom they have to have their own testimony. Everyone is a convert of any church. And they have the testimony to prove it.

On March 8th, 2014 I became a member of the church. It was the most heart breaking, emotional, wonderful, joyful experience in my life. I am blessed to be apart of a church that accepts me for me & encourages me everyday to be better for our Father in Heaven. And at the end of the day, isn't that all we all want? For people to push us, encourage us, and keep us accountable so that one day we can go to Heaven?

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