"When You move, I'll move"
Ever meet those people that make following God and Christ easy? Make it seem like how the heck are they doing that? I would be so freaked out, crying, turning up my hands in anger. I have many people like that in my life. And sometimes I just want to shake them and shout, "HOW DO YOU DO IT?!?" I am a Christian, and I have a very difficult time following the promptings of Heavenly Father when I know it is the hardest decision to make- not the one I truly wanted.We say that we are Christ followers, but are we really? I know that may seem dramatic, like, "Uh, honey, I definitely am." I am a strong believer in the cliche "actions speak louder than words." And I take that to heart when it comes to my relationship with The Lord. It's not always the easiest for me though. I ask for answers and to be guided, but, when I know it's going to be so hard & complicated, I keep asking and saying I am not fully, one hundred percent sure of the decision because I know what will have to come of it- trusting The Lord to protect my heart. If you're anything like me, it takes a lot to fully trust in someone. So, sometimes I find it very difficult to give everything, and I mean EVERYTHING to a person that I don't even know is listening to me. I can't see Him, can't call Him on His iPhone or Instagram Him or even see what He is up to on Twitter. I just have to have this blind faith that He's got me and loves me- no strings attached. So, how the heck am I able to do that? To be blindly following Christ, only getting a small corner of the 1,000,000 pieces yet to come? I'll tell you why because I have proof that His love does exists.
I have been through a lot in my 21 years of life. More than I thought would ever come, more than I thought I would be able to handle. But, I did it. I did it because the strength I got through those obstacles were not my own, but His. The Lord gave me part of His strength because He knew I could do it. He believed in me when no one else did, when no one else could understand what I was going through, He did. And even though I couldn't physically talk to Him, I felt this overwhelming sense of calmness. A sense that everything was and will work out. BUT, only if I had faith in Him. Only if I truly followed Him with my whole heart and whole mind and whole body. I truly followed Him. And that's the best part of Him. We don't need to have things lift off tables magically or to run into the one you've been waiting for to marry like in the movies to have proof that He's with you if you want Him to be. You just have to trust Him with everything you've got. Including your actions.
Let your actions do all the talking for you, with God, Christ, family, co-workers, friends, dogs, just people. Let Heavenly Father see you really do trust Him with how you respond to your promptings. You don't need words to tell Him you love Him, He can hear your thoughts of your heart, but, He will know you mean business when you act on that. When you step out of your comfort zone and stand up for what you know you should be doing.
And for those of you who aren't believers of God. When you're struggling, as we all are, I ask one small thing- just bow your head and say, "God, I may not believe in You just yet, but I need You. I need You to help me, to lead, to let me follow you, I need a strength that is not my own." If you pray, I promise you will feel a calmness and protection. You may not get an answer right away, none of us really do, but when that answer does come, know He's got your back and He loves you more than you can even imagine.
You are one that makes living the Gospel look easy. You make me want to be a better person. Thanks for your example to me of following God and the Savior.