Why I'm Mormon.
I know for a fact there a lot of people that I am friends with on Facebook, or Instagram that do not understand why I choose to be apart of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or as it is most commonly referred to as the "Mormon" church. They think it's some kind of "cult" that does not allow you to dance, or watch reality television, or make decisions for yourself. A lot of the time, people will joke around with me, and others that are part of the church, about certain aspects of the church, true or not. And yes, while it is kind of funny sometimes, in the end, most continue to think my decision was weird or stupid or again, cult related. I am here to tell you that as a member of this church, and as member of a previous non-Mormon church, being brain washed is not the reason I joined.Why are you Catholic? Why are you Christian? Why are you Atheist? Or Muslim? Why do you not get into religion at all? Why do you do what you do?
The answer: because that's what you feel is right. That is what you want right now in life. And you have the freedom to do that. You have the freedom to choose. And so do I. We all have the right to believe what we want to believe. And who can judge us for that? Not anyone. If you want to not believe there is God, then do it. And if I want to believe in the LDS Church, then I will do that too. But, what I do not believe in is attacking those that do not have the same kind of faith as you do.
As a follower of Christ, He says to love everyone. Not just people of the same faith as you, but everyone. When I was judged and yelled at for becoming a member of my church, I learned that the hard way. And that a lot of people will try to tell you that your decision is wrong or to change your mind. Or to even go as far as you will end up in "Hell." The matter of the fact is, is that that is not love. Love is allowing people to be themselves. Love is just simply sharing what you believe with no intent of converting them to your faith. Love is loving them for who they are now, not who you think they should be. Yes yes yes I know, my church is really known for having "Missionaries" to try and do the thing I just said is not love. But to me, those missionaries are just trying to share their love for their faith. And just want people to know about it. It doesn't mean they are expecting you to join the church (they are hopeful), but they know that you have that right to agency & respect it. Now, I'm not speaking for all Mormons. Just like any church, or any faith, or any non-faith, there are always people that are not perfect. Including myself. There are people that over look agency and respect and will judge you. But know, that's not how God feels. He just loves you for you as you are now.
So, the next time you are judging people for their faith, know that there is probably someone judging you as well, and it hurts doesn't it?
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