I need people to like me. I have to feel accepted by any social group. And when even a person I don't like doesn't like me, I still feel as if there is something wrong with me. Yes I know not everyone is going to like me, but that doesn't seem to register in my brain when the situation arises. I question weather or not I need to change in some way, how I can make them like me, or even blame myself for everything that has gone wrong. I base my self-worth on if someone likes me or not. And that has never changed. There even comes a point where I value a person's view of me over Heavenly Father's. And because of those opinions I begin to think I have to change what I want in life to fix what they think is best.Because I feel this way, life becomes so much more difficult for me. But what about Heavenly Father's opinion of me? What would He think? And what would I do if He came down right now and told me exactly how He felt? Do I even value God's opinion more than others? All of this is "easier said than done" though. It's not easy to let go how someone feels about you. It's not easy to feel vulnerable. Or to not feel enough..
You are enough for Him. You are enough for Him to send His son to die for you. You are enough for Him to trust in you with your challenges. You are enough for Him to give you blessings in your life. You are enough for Him to give you His words through scriptures. You are enough for someone out there to love you. You are enough for Him.
I know that I am more than what a person thinks of me. I am special. I have gifts that are unique to me and my life. And I can't let what others think of me let me forget that. I can't let people make me question who I am or who I want to be. I need to remember that Heavenly Father's opinion is the only one that truly matters. I need to value Him over everyone and everything. He is the one that truly can make me joyful in my life and the life that is going to come. I am so blessed to have that knowledge. To know that I am enough for someone and someone that is so meaningful in my life.
I am enough for God, therefore I am enough for you.
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